for business

Experienced & Quality Engineering

Top-Rate Solar PV Systems

Cutting Edge Technology

Our solar panels feature Mono-crystalline bifacial PERC half-cut-cells to maximise energy production and efficiency. These high-performance cells ensure optimal energy conversion even in low-light conditions, providing reliable power generation throughout the day.

Peace of Mind

Hi Solar’s glass solar panels come with extensive warranties to provide peace of mind to our customers. With a snow load warranty, 30 years product warranty, and 30-year performance warranty, you can trust that our panels will deliver consistent and reliable energy production for decades to come.

Durable Construction

With a robust 35mm frame and tempered solar glass, our panels are built to withstand the harshest environmental conditions. The anti-reflective finish minimises glare and enhances light absorption, while the intensive hailstorm, storm, wind, salt mist, ammonia, and sand resistance certifications guarantee long-lasting durability and performance.

Optimised Light Absorption

The tempered solar glass is equipped with an anti-reflective finish, which minimizes glare and maximizes light absorption. This ensures that our panels can capture sunlight more effectively, even in low-light conditions, resulting in higher overall energy yields.

Why use Hi Solar?

Providing Efficiency, Quality & Assurance

Harnessing solar energy offers numerous benefits for businesses in Scotland and the UK. With a significant surge in demand for solar solutions, businesses are increasingly turning to solar PV installations to capitalise on these advantages.

Top-Tier Brand Partnerships

We work exclusively with top-tier solar panel manufacturers to ensure the highest quality and performance for your solar PV system.


Hi Solar is fully insured, providing you with peace of mind and protection throughout the installation process.

Financial Incentives

Depending on your location, your business may be eligible for financial incentives, tax credits, or rebates for installing solar panels, providing additional savings and benefits.

Increased property value

Solar PV systems can increase the value of your commercial property, making it more attractive to potential buyers or tenants. We’ve seen it with both consumer households, and commercial premises – existing green installations are recognised & factored in now more than ever.


Our solar PV systems are built to last, with durable components and reliable performance, ensuring consistent energy production for years to come. Our warranties across the products and brands ranges, but at minimum with your solar panels installed by Hi Solar, you can expect 25 Years.

We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction at every step of the process. From initial inquiry to post-installation support, our team is here to address your needs and provide reliable assistance. All of our products & services come with fully-fledged warranties.

Compliance & Safety

Solar PV systems can increase the value of your commercial property, making it more attractive to potential buyers or tenants. We’ve seen it with both consumer households, and commercial premises – existing green installations are recognised & factored in now more than ever.

Peace of Mind

With Hi Solar, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is powered by clean, reliable, and cost-effective solar energy, backed by our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. We don’t try and ‘chance’ your new installation with remote surveys, or turning up to ‘have a look’. Through our own metrics and systems, we meticulously measure every variable factor to ensure a successful deployment for decades to come!

Energy Independence

With one of our top-tier partner’s systems & equipment, coupled with our expert surveyors & installers, your business can successfully generate its own clean energy, reducing reliance on grid electricity and providing greater energy independence. As mentioned before, we install our systems to last.

Partnered with the top-tier Solar PV Brands

“Solar power is the ultimate renewable energy source. It’s inexhaustible and environmentally friendly.”

– Richard Branson

Is there still Government help?

✓ You may qualify for business rates relief or exemptions for installing renewable energy technologies like Solar PV systems. This can help offset the cost of installation and make renewable energy investments more financially viable for businesses.
Low-Cost Finance Agreements and loans to businesses investing in Solar PV systems.
Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECAs) allow businesses to claim tax relief on qualifying energy-saving and renewable energy technologies, including Solar PV systems.

Is solar energy reliable enough for my business?

At Hi Solar, we understand the importance of reliability when it comes to powering your business with solar energy in the UK. Rest assured, solar energy is not only reliable but also (especially recently), a cornerstone of sustainable business operations across the country.
Even in cloudy or overcast conditions, solar panels continue to produce electricity, albeit at slightly reduced efficiency. Additionally, grid-tied systems allow businesses to remain connected to the grid, providing backup power during periods of low solar generation. With the proper planning planning and system design from Hi Solar, businesses can maximise the reliability of their solar PV systems by incorporating energy storage solutions, such as batteries, to store excess energy for use during periods of high demand or low sunlight. Overall, solar energy offers a reliable and sustainable solution for powering your business, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, and contributing to a greener future for generations to come.

Do I need planning permission to have Solar PV installed in my business?

We understand there’s a lot of questions you’ll likely have in relation to the planned installation of Solar PV in your business. In relation to whether planing permissions required for such work in the UK, the good news is that it’s not! However, there are some guidelines that require following, and of course our expert planners and engineers at Hi Solar ensure are implemented.

The following requirements for Solar PV deployment in the UK are:
(1) A roof mounted solar installation must not protrude more than 200mm, unless it is a flat roof installation where the solar PV must be less than 1m above the highest part of the flat roof.

(2) A roof mounted solar installation must be further than 1m away from the edge of the roof or wall joint. For AONB or similarly restricted locations, the panels must not be on the roof slope or wall facing the road.

(3) Solar installations should be sited so as to minimise their effect on the external appearance of the property and the amenity of the area, while unused equipment should be removed as soon as possible.

What are the benefits of installing solar panels in my business?
Is my business roof suitable for solar panel installation?

Most homes are suitable for solar panel installation as long as they have a roof or area with adequate sunlight exposure. Factors such as roof orientation, shading, and available space will be assessed during a site survey to determine suitability.

Will solar panels work during cloudy or rainy days?

What happens if my solar panels produce more electricity than I use?